速報APP / 商業 / Surveying Calculator Pro

Surveying Calculator Pro





版本需求:Android 5.1 以上版本


Surveying Calculator Pro(圖1)-速報App

Surveying Calculator Pro is an app that includes commonly used surveying calculations for land surveyors and civil engineers. The purpose of this app is to be a flexible mobile field application like a GNSS data collector software. Measurement unit of the app is meter, angle unit is Grad or Degree. Commonly used tools can be added to Favorites page. Geodesic calculations have geometric figures, math explanations and help pages.


Surveying Calculator Pro features:

* Generate XY from a line: Generates northing-easing coordinates according to number of intervals between two points.

* Generate Lat-Long between two points: Generates latitude and longitude coordinates between two points according to specified interval.

* QMapViewer: Displays QGIS projects. It is possible to include CAD, GIS and geospatial database formats. User can transfer his/her QGIS projects to mobile device and QMapViewer can be used to check the project in site/field area

--- CAD formats: Microstation DGN V7, AutoCAD DXF

Surveying Calculator Pro(圖2)-速報App

--- GIS Formats: Esri shapefiles (shp), MapInfo File (mif), e00, tab, GeoJSON, TopoJSON, GML, kml, kmz, osm GeoSpatial PDF, svg

--- Spatial Database formats: spatialite, PostGIS, mdb, GeoPackage(gpkg)

--- Raster Data formats: ASCII Gridded XYZ, ArcInfo ASCII GRID (asc), ERDAS imagine img, grd, JPEG, PNG, BMP, USGS ASCII DEM, GeoTIFF and many more formats.

* PyCalculator: This tool improved in order to make complex math calculations easily. PyCalculator is based on Python 2.7 programming language.

* Coordinate Converter: This tool is designed to be used for transformation of local coordinate systems. User can choose his/her country from settings and it can be easily used to convert coordinates.

--- User can get the current coordinates and can see GPS accuracy.

--- It has coordinate systems of 10 countries (India, Indonesia, Jamaica, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Turkey, U.A.E., U.S.)

Surveying Calculator Pro(圖3)-速報App

* Basic Surveying Tools:

--- X(N), Y(E) Calculation from a coordinate, distance and bearing

--- Latitude, Longitude Calculation from a coordinate, distance and bearing

--- Distance, Bearing from two coordinates

--- Bearing Calculation

--- Interior Angle

* Intersection Methods:

Surveying Calculator Pro(圖4)-速報App

--- Forward Intersection

--- Resection with 3 Points (Advanced)

--- Line - Line Intersection

--- Circle by 3 Points

* Distance between Coordinates (2D, 3D, Latitude, Longitude): Distance between Latitude and Longitude is based on WGS84 elipsoid. Distance between Latitude and Longitude uses GeographicLib in order to get accurate results.

* Horizontal Curve

* Angle Converter (Grad, Degree, Radian, Mil (NATO))

Surveying Calculator Pro(圖5)-速報App

* Degree - Decimal Conversion

* Cosine & Sine Law

* Error Limit of Parcel

* Online Maps (Street, Cycle, Terrain, Transit, Hiking Maps)

* User's Position, Latitude, Longitude, UTM Zone

* WGS84 Lat/Lon - UTM Conventer (It helps you to get current WGS84 geographic or UTM coordinates.)

* 2D Helmert Similarity Transformation

Surveying Calculator Pro(圖6)-速報App

* Linear Interpolation

* Map Scale Calculator

* Help pages that explains surveying calculations with formulas

* Favorite list page

* Settings: customize North and East as N, E, X or Y. User can display northing before easting or easting before northing. Angle options can be Degree Decimal, Degree DMS, or Grad (Gon).

* Appearance; Customizable Fonts and Themes, Full Screen Mode

* User's calculations can be auto-saved except PyCalculator.

Surveying Calculator Pro(圖7)-速報App

System requirements: Minimum 2GB RAM and minimum 200MB free space are recommended.

Surveying Calculator Pro has material design interface, customizable themes and fonts. Surveying Calculator Pro supports Android 6.0 and up. It is appreciated if you suggest commonly used surveying problems to be added to Surveying Calculator Pro. If you have any recommendation or any question about this app, do not hesitate to mail to geosoft@gmail.com.

Surveying Calculator Pro(圖8)-速報App